Player Death Effects

I made a little “game” in an hour to kill some time. The game is just some death effects I made such as ragdoll death, explosion death, and disappearing death. So I decided I will open source the game because I just made it for fun and thought other people might use it. In ReplicatedStorage there is a ModuleScript named “CustomEffect”, you can make your owns death effect in that ModuleScript. Well that is all I have to say if you find any bugs please contact me via DMS, thanks :smile:.

Game:Death Effects [Open Sourced] - Roblox

Also here is a video showing all of the death effects:


I forgot to actually open source the game but it should be open sourced now, sorry!

love this, thanks for your contribution, maybe you can make things like jump etc

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Can you provide some videos or screenshots so people can view what you made without necessarily having to enter the game?


@bomb2015 yes I agree please do this I would like to see some screenshots :wink:

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Very nice effect templates :+1:

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For those asking, 2 images of the game.

Screen Shot 2020-09-30 at 1.08.45 PM a cool gif of the amazing disappear death.


Sorry, at this time I was at town for a while trying to help my family. I will try to have a video on it soon.

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Hey! this is really cool!

I have always wanted this effect to play when you die as seen in the game Isle, but I am so bad at coding there is no chance i would be able to create this.

Are you able to?


Wow that effect was Epic lol🤣
I will try making this😁

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Sweet! can’t wait to see the result.


EDIT: Nvm I see Savage261 is going to try to make this. Hope you are able to do it!

so how is it coming along?

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Great :slight_smile: I have the music, the Event when the player dies, now I just need the rising part

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