Fairly self explanatory. In my first person melee combat game, I have a football minigame. Sometimes, when 2 players are pushing the ball from opposite sides, they might get inside the ball and stuck there, as can be seen in the screenshot.
I have now set the network ownership of the ball to server, but I don’t know if this will solve the issue. I am releasing the game today and wouldn’t want this bug to spoil players experience, even tho it is not game breaking.
maybe just have a loop every 5 seconds with a GetPartsInRadius function so to detect the player if they are inside and then just set ball position like 10 studs up if player found
maybe an invisible part with a custom collision group that follows the player so that the player doesnt actually collide with the ball & get glitchy with all its rough edges and collisions but the smooth surface of the part does?
-You can try changing the CollisionFidelity of the MeshPart to Hull. Physics will solve using a convex hull of the outside of the mesh instead of doing all the physics inside.
If your ball does not roll well enough using this method, then try the second method.
-Create a separate collision part using a Roblox Ball PartType.
-Position the collision part and weld it to your ball using a WeldConstraint. When you are finished adjusting the new collision part’s properties, make it invisible.
If you need me to explain further, just reply to my message!