Player .Icon property

I am proposing an Icon property to be added under the Player object. The reason for this suggestion is to help users customize the leaderboard without having to replicate the entire thing.

To stop it causing any issues with the current leaderboard, it’d be a member of player and when set to “” the default icon for that player would be used. However, when set to an assetId that would be used instead.

The use cases might be to show Beta testers/moderators in a game or to make players aware at a glance who is dead on their team in an FPS.

This may seem somewhat niche but it’s with the aim of providing more functionality to our devs as well as making it easier for newer members of the community to change such things.

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And we get to give ourselves the RBXDev icon. :swag:

I second this, because right now the icons used are ‘rank’ type icons, this would be an awesome feature to add, but to make sure it wouldn’t be abused you would need to make sure it is done ‘Server’ side:

game:GetService('Players'):SetPlayerIcon(player instance, assetid int)
The reason to do it through the Players service is because it holds and manages the players,
so this would make more sense than to do it though StarterGui or the Player Itself

[quote] I second this, because right now the icons used are ‘rank’ type icons, this would be an awesome feature to add, but to make sure it wouldn’t be abused you would need to make sure it is done ‘Server’ side:

game:GetService('Players'):SetPlayerIcon(player instance, assetid int) --[[ The reason to do it through the Players service is because it holds and manages the players, so this would make more sense than to do it though StarterGui or the Player Itself --]] [/quote]

It makes more sense to do it like Clan tags:

> game.Players.Player1:SetIcon("icon src")
> print(game.Players.Player1:GetIcon())
icon src
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“What about people getting admin icons and pretending to be an admin?”
They could also just write their own leaderboard for that…
And aside from that, the “golden chat” requires for a rewite of that, no matter what.

Seems like a very nice feature, even if a custom leaderboard can do it perfectly.