Player Image Not Loading

The script below is not displaying the player image

Frame.PlayerImage.Image = PlayersService:GetUserThumbnailAsync(Target.UserId, Enum.ThumbnailType.AvatarThumbnail, Enum.ThumbnailSize.Size420x420)


Can you give full code ?

honestly the full script is big and a huge mess
i can try send you the related part

for I, V in pairs(PlayerIncomming.Players[LocalPlayer.Name]) do

		local Frame = game.ReplicatedStorage.Trading.PlayerRequest:Clone()
		Frame.PlayerName.Text =  V
		local Target = PlayersService:FindFirstChild(V)
		Frame.PlayerImage.Image = PlayersService:GetUserThumbnailAsync(Target.UserId, Enum.ThumbnailType.AvatarThumbnail, Enum.ThumbnailSize.Size420x420)
		Frame.Parent = IncommingFrame.ScrollingFrame

this is the frame in replicated storage


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does everything else work?

yea, everything works. the script changes the name fine and also parents it to the GUI fine so it can be seen. the only problem is the image

It might be the datatype of V messing with it. Try print type(V)?

i tried printing V it prints the players name. i also tried printing V.UserId it prints the id correctly

I assume PlayersService is game.Players right? I honestly don’t get what the issue is

its this. local PlayersService = game:GetService(“Players”).

I’m confused cause I checked some videos and some documentation not sure why its not working

Player images seem to not work in Roblox Studio Play mode, it may be a bug, I can make a bug report later on, I have had the same issue, try to publish the game and see if the issue resolves in a public server.

Tried it still the same problem.


local content, isReady = Players:GetUserThumbnailAsync(Target.UserId, Enum.ThumbnailType.HeadShot, Enum.ThumbnailSize.Size420x420)

Frame.PlayerImage.Image = (isReady and content) or "rbxassetid://0"

ill have to try that tomorrow its almost 6am starting to get a headache had to turn off the pc


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