Player Interaction with and Exploration of Map/s

(In terms of baseplate and area scaling, and how close buildings and important areas would be to one another).
How would one go about making players explore further into a certain map with lots of areas within it? And to a greater scale, how would one make players explore different maps rather than sticking to just one?

OK, so imagine you have a roleplaying game in mind, in which one map features a lot of activities players can entertain themselves with (such as shops, beaches, etc.), which is what intend to do. So how would I make players voluntarily go outwards to the edges of the map, instead of clinging to the centre?

Would I need to make the map smaller and the areas close to one another, to make it close to the centre?

Or would I make the map fairly large (relative to other roleplay games) and expand the distance between areas?

Moreover, if there is more than one map (which there hopefully will be), how would I go about making sure that players don’t stick and only stick to certain maps… by choice. Maybe this is not actually a problem and I’m just heavily overthinking it.

I wanted advice from you guys about how I should organise as such and what I should do. This is also my first post on the forum, lol.

Am I right in thinking, you want ways for players to go to the edge of the map?

Yes, as in I want people to look into places further away from the middle.

Maybe signs, for a city map, big roads and if you have a map, lots of stores on the edge of the map,

A highway too.

Generally, depending on the player they will go far out as they may be curious.

Good point. Thanks for it :grinning:

Can youmark as soulotion if possible. :slight_smile:

I want to see other people’s contributions and advice first. But, don’t worry, yours was definitely helpful

Signs, more tourist spots, interactive areas, appealing scenery (waterfall, parks, shops)

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How big should the map be? Should I make it fairly large (such as RHS2 kind of big), or should I make it fairly small (similar to the size of ‘Paradise Life’).

fairly small, I reckon.

definitely add interactive spots if you do decide on that

Alright. Thanks for your input!