Player keeps colliding with part besides CanCollide = false

Hey everyone! I’m trying to make a noise system, where if the player for example starts running, a sphere inside the character will increase its size, so other npcs that touch that sphere will kinda of “hear” the player.

The problem is that, for some reason, the player keeps getting stuck of the sphere, no matter what I do, Motor6D, WeldConstraints… nothing works. The only thing that almost worked was using NoCollisionConstraint, but it by using that the sphere doesn’t stay attached to the player.


Thank you in advance!

No sure what “the player keeps getting stuck of the sphere” means.

Here is a file that has a StarterCharacter with a Ball welded to the HumanoidRootPart.

Noise.rbxl (88.2 KB)

I might be thinking too simple but is ‘CanCollide’ set to false?