Player List React Error and Player List values are still being kept track of, even if not directly parented to "leaderstats" anymore



Anything that goes inside leaderstats will appear inside the Leaderboard.

Might look blurry, but that’s because of this issue.

Now if you move that Value out of leaderstats, it changes into a - aslong every Player still has that value on the leaderboard.


However, if I change the value of that IntValue, the leaderboard will automatically update the value again and display it, even though it’s not inside of the leaderstats Folder anymore.

Another issue is that if you destroy the IntValue while outside of the leaderstats Folder, something breaks as well.

Videos with explanation and re-production steps are put inside the private message.

Along with a React Error at


Re-production Steps

  1. Open up Baseplate in Studio

  2. Run the Play Test F5

  3. Go to Server View and run game.Players:CreateLocalPlayer()

  4. Hope that Roblox Studio doesn’t crash, otherwise repeat all the steps again. Because of this issue

  5. Inside the new Player, create a Folder and name it leaderstats, then directly put it inside the Player Instance

  6. Then create an IntValue and directly put it inside the leaderstats

  7. Do this for the second player as well.

  8. Then move the IntValue outside of leaderstats of one of the players.

  9. Then change the Value property of IntValue and observe.

Expected Result

Only the things that are inside leaderstats should show up.

Actual Result

Something that was inside leaderstats once needs to be Destroyed, or else it will still keep track of. However, the Player List is smart about something, it knows if the values inside of leaderstats changed their Parent. And if it’s not inside leaderstats anymore it will show a - on the leaderboard, unless you’re the only player remaining.


The error crash has been put in the private message as well. Not sure if it has been fixed yet, I couldn’t reproduce this issue so well, because of this issue.

This occured when a Player was removed from the DataModel, either through :Destroy() or :Kick()

A private message is associated with this bug report


If you’re using CreateLocalPlayer() just to have 2 players in the server, you shouldn’t, as you stated it can crash, use the built-in method for that:


Unfortunately, my Roblox Studio went on fire while trying to click that button on my device, that all just to emulate a Player on that Player List. I prefer other methods if I don’t need a Character. That method used to function fine once, but recently Roblox updated and now there’s some chance it just crashes without a crash log.

Infact, all I believe I need is just another DataModel and Lua Environment, but I can’t test this theory. :pensive:

I don’t bare a lot with what Studio offers. I assume what the Engine could offer, but it’s not being offered directly. And that’s where that is at. :person_shrugging:

And that what I think it offers is…

  • some method somewhere in the Engine
  • :CreateLocalPlayer()
  • WritePlayer Capability

and that’s where it’s :fire:

Thanks for the report! I filed a ticket in our internal database.

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