Player moves around massless parts welded to player

A model welded to the player by the HumanoidRootParts of both.
When the weld’s C0 Is moved. The player moves relative to the model, instead of the model moving relative to the player. I’ve worked a lot with this issue. EVERY SINGLE part of the welded model is massless.

function EzFunc.AssignStandModel(Player)
	local c = Player.Character

	local Stand = game.ReplicatedStorage.Stands[Player.Stand.Value]
	local StandModel = Stand.Model:Clone()
	StandModel.Parent = c
	local Weld ="Weld",c)
	Weld.Name = "StandWeld"
	Weld.Part0 = c.HumanoidRootPart
	Weld.Part1 = StandModel.HumanoidRootPart

	StandModel.Name = "StandModel"


have to tried changing the parent of the weld to be the opposite character?

Use 2 different false colliding collision groups.

  • Group 1: for every tool part.
  • Group 2: for every player character part.

Does doing this require putting player characters into a specific collision group, or can just setting the collisions between the default and the tool group work? I failed to clarify this in the original post, but I had the models in a seperate collision group.

Set the rig collision to false/off, it gets cloned but because collision is on it pushes you back, turning it off would keep the rig in the same position, I’ve experienced something like this before.

Where exactly would you do this? I can’t find any information on this

Like do a loop, example:

for _, v in pairs(THERIG:GetDecendents) do
if v:IsA('Part') or v.ClassName == "Part" then
v.CanCollide = false
until --idk u choose how long

something like that should do it.

Try enabling the Humanoid’s PlatformStand.