Player name in a surfaceGui near layerCloth

Hello developers.
I need Help.
I want the player’s name to be on his jersey.

In studio I obtain good results manually on different models but I cannot find the method to automate it with a script.
I want to place a part close to a layercloth shirt.
This part is in the ReplicatedStorage (partName) and contains a surfaceGui with a textLabel.
This script is almost okay but doesn’t work with all the characters. (images are from the same script)

for _, character in pairs(workspace.Folder:GetChildren()) do
	local handle = character:WaitForChild("Shirt"):WaitForChild("Handle")
	local torso = character:WaitForChild("UpperTorso")
	local partName = rep.PartName:Clone()
	partName.Size = torso.Size
	partName.CFrame = torso.CFrame *,0, .05) -- how to calculate this?
	partName.WeldConstraint.Part1 = torso
	partName.Parent = torso.Parent

Do you see how to calculate the offset CFrame or do you have other solutions?

Maybe try

local addonoffset = 0.05 -- Change this with testing
partName.CFrame = torso.CFrame * * addonoffset)

thank you for your answer but that does exactly my code. It is precisely the value 0.05 that I would like to calculate.