Player Outliner // Add a cartoony style to your game's players!

How would this be easier for beginners and easily customizable? While you can achieve the same functionality in less than 10 lines of code? All this is doing is inserting an instance.

In fact, this method of doing this would be harder for beginners. If a beginner finds creating an instance hard, than it’s a them problem rather than a code problem.


What does archivable have to do with parent?

I highly agree, people like this because this guys famous. If a normal guy releases this, they would get a ton of hate

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archivable is weather or not the model can be cloned.

I did not clone the character, just parented jt


More efficient highlight method

To prevent highlights from going beyond the limit, all characters are put into a single model (as proposed by @commitblue’s code demonstration) . This means one highlight instance is used for all, rather than one each.

Per-part highlighting

Per personal request, I’ve added an option to highlight each part individually in the character. Be warned: this should only be used for singleplayer or co-op games to prevent going over the highlight limit!


But dont expect it to be a “perfect replacement”, read this Increase the highlight rendering limit or remove it (skip to workaround)

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The workaround’s bug is minor would be preferred over having a limit.

I believe its intended. Just wait for engineers to listen to the feature request
Anyway, you should probably read the posts above

You can’t rely on the feature request to be listened to, but if it does, then I can revert the change as needed.

I already read the above replies, and this update addressed it by adding further functionality and usefulness. It’s not worth arguing when a fight is trying to be started in the first place. It’s free, take it or leave it. Doesn’t hurt to leave it.

Read the update logs for more information.

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Woah! This is super cool, Great resource!


Is there a config for how thick the outline is?


Unfortunately not, but you can change the transparency!

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Is there anyway for the Highlight instance to work on models/parts that are transparent, i found it it only works on parts that are fully visible (transparency = 0)

I’m not quite sure, unfortunately.

Or you could just put a highlight instance and set the adornee to Workspace…

That causes workspace to be treated like a model and to highlight around the whole workspace rather each individual part.

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Now that I have just tried intersecting 2 blocks with one highlight in workspace, Yeah that’s true.

I also dont mean to sound rude, but you can use the highlight feature.

I think this is what he already uses.