Player Points Leaderboard Datastore Help

I’ve found a working Player Points leaderboard for my game, but am not sure how to reset everyones Player Points to zero. I have tried changing the local dataStore but it never worked.

local sg = script.Parent --Surface GUI
local sample = script:WaitForChild("Sample") --Our Sample frame
local sf = sg:WaitForChild("ScrollingFrame") --The scrolling frame
local ui = sf:WaitForChild("UI") --The UI list layout

local dataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
--The data store service
local dataStore = dataStoreService:GetOrderedDataStore("Leaderboard4")
--Get the data store with key "Leaderboard"
while true do
	for i,plr in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do--Loop through players
		if plr.UserId > 0 then--Prevent errors
			local ps = game:GetService("PointsService")--PointsService
			local w = ps:GetGamePointBalance(plr.UserId)--Get point balance
			if w then
				--Wrap in a pcall so if Roblox is down, it won't error and break.
				        --Set new value
						return tonumber(w)
	local smallestFirst = false--false = 2 before 1, true = 1 before 2
    local numberToShow = 100--Any number between 1-100, how many will be shown
    local minValue = 1--Any numbers lower than this will be excluded
    local maxValue = 10e30--(10^30), any numbers higher than this will be excluded
    local pages = dataStore:GetSortedAsync(smallestFirst, numberToShow, minValue, maxValue)
    --Get data
    local top = pages:GetCurrentPage()--Get the first page
	local data = {}--Store new data
	for a,b in ipairs(top) do--Loop through data
		local userid = b.key--User id
		local points = b.value--Points
		local username = "[Failed To Load]"--If it fails, we let them know
		local s,e = pcall(function()
		 username = game.Players:GetNameFromUserIdAsync(userid)--Get username
		if not s then--Something went wrong
		   warn("Error getting name for "..userid..". Error: "..e)
		local image = game.Players:GetUserThumbnailAsync(userid, Enum.ThumbnailType.HeadShot, Enum.ThumbnailSize.Size150x150)
		--Make a image of them
		table.insert(data,{username,points,image})--Put new data in new table
	ui.Parent = script
	sf:ClearAllChildren()--Remove old frames
	ui.Parent = sf
	for number,d in pairs(data) do--Loop through our new data
		local name = d[1]
		local val = d[2]
		local image = d[3]
		local color =,1,1)--Default color
		if number == 1 then
			color =,1,0)--1st place color
		elseif number == 2 then
			color =,0.9,0.9)--2nd place color
		elseif number == 3 then
			color = Color3.fromRGB(166, 112, 0)--3rd place color
		local new = sample:Clone()--Make a clone of the sample frame
		new.Name = name--Set name for better recognition and debugging
        new.LayoutOrder = number--UIListLayout uses this to sort in the correct order
		new.Image.Image = image--Set the image
		new.Image.Place.Text = number--Set the place
		new.Image.Place.TextColor3 = color--Set the place color (Gold = 1st)
		new.PName.Text = name--Set the username
		new.Value.Text = val--Set the amount of points
		new.Value.TextColor3 = color--Set the place color (Gold = 1st)
		new.PName.TextColor3 = color--Set the place color (Gold = 1st)
		new.Parent = sf--Parent to scrolling frame
	sf.CanvasSize =,0,0,ui.AbsoluteContentSize.Y)
	--Give enough room for the frames to sit in

Well I’m not very great with datastores but I think changing the line

local datastore = dataStoreService:GetOrderedDataStore("Leaderboard4")

Specifically the string “Leaderboard4” should do

Just rename the string name for the dataStore (you would change it to “Leaderboard5” in this case). This goes for all types of datastores, and is useful since you can always go back to an older string to retrieve old data

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