Player rotation while flying

Hello!! I’m trying to get the same player rotation effect like in the example. I already made my flying script, I just need the rotation part. I discovered that changing the humanoid state to swimming combined with BodyVelocity, gets a pretty similar effect, but it’s not the exact same.

I noticed that games like Marvel New Journey (MNJ), Heroes Online World and Fall of Heroes, use this exact same rotation effect, so I guess all of them use the exact same code. Looks like they are modifying the CFrame of a BodyGyro.

If anyone know what code is it, please let me know, cause this code is probably uploaded somewhere in the internet but I couldn’t find it after looking through many posts throughout the years and in the toolbox. Ty!!

I don’t think they use the exact same code, unless those games were created by the same creator. You’d have to make the code yourself though.

If you wanna make something similiar use mover constraints because body movers are deprecated and mover constraints just provide more features.
Mover Constraints | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

Having the same creator or not doesn’t matter because there are plenty of games that use the same modules made by other creators uploaded in the forum or in the toolbox.

Again, I’m pretty sure they use the same line of code for the rotation since it works exactly the same in all those games. And I’m using BodyVelocity and BodyGyro since those games were released before the linear constraints came out. And I also did the testing.

Theres no such module. If you wanna achieve the same effect use torques.
Torque | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

Sorry i meant to say angularvelocity
AngularVelocity | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

Theres literally no magic to this “rotation” effect, just use AngularVelocity or BodyAngularVelocity and you’ll be able to do it.