I was wondering how these two services differ exactly, mainly in the sense of who can access/change them etc.
Lately, the way I’ve been coding some of my modules is that when a player joins/leaves, they get a folder for themselves. However I was wondering if it was any different, or maybe even better to just do this in the Player instance automatically created. I don’t want the player themselves to be able to change the values, rather just be able to read the values, very similar to ReplicatedStorage. Can anyone explain to me or link me to how these services differ exactly?
The Players service holds players. ReplicatedStorage holds storage that is replicated.
Just clarifying; Clients can modify values on ReplicatedStorage aswell;
this change however is just not replicated to the server and stays on the client that modified the value.
To answer your question:
Storing any values, folders, instances, etc. in either Players/ReplicatedStorage (or workspace) is just a matter of preference and does not have any impact as to them being replicated to the client.
Be aware that if you attach any values to the Player instance that is automatically created in Players upon a player joining, this instance and any descendants are automatically deleted once the player leaves, this can be usefull.
I hope this helped you, im willing to clarify further if needed.
Kind Regards. o/
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