*Note before you read: I had no idea where to accually post this topic.
I couldn’t find a catagory where this could accually fit. I also thought
this was something to do with scripting. Also, if you know a script
that could fix this issue, please list it. This topic could also help
others with this issue.
**What do you want to achieve?
How to fix the problem or how to avoid it. -
**What is the issue?
Collision Failure and Sliding on the baseplate (R6).
Video Link: https://streamable.com/urd4r4 -
**What solutions have you tried so far?
Uhh… There isn’t much. When I enter a baseplate then run a test play, you may either experience the issue or you might be fine. For me this happens time to time. Anyways. When I use ACS 2.0/1.7.5 (require R6 to work) I simply follow the instructions, put things in the right places, the ACS system if fine. That isn’t the problem. But when I click the play button, I don’t slide. I’m fine. When you test play the game again, I experience the same issue shown in the video from time to time. If you insert an NPC into the workspace, you will be fine at first. Until you stop the test play then rejoin. This happens with other models too. I really have no idea how to explain this more. I’ve then deleted all the models in the game and looked over all the scripts. (No script is interfering with my player.) When I deleted all the models I inserted into the baseplate, I still have the issue. When you leave the Studio then rejoin, the issue still occurs.
Does it have to do with humanoids? Collision issues, welding, etc.?
**Please Note: Tell me if you need information. I will try to send
some video(s)/image(s) if needed. I’ll reply as soon as I can.