Player spawning above spawnlocation

Hello fellow Roblox developers,

I am currently facing an issue where my players keep spawning far above the designated spawn location in my game. Despite having no obstructions in the way, players are consistently spawning at an elevated position, causing an inconvenience and disrupting the gameplay experience.

To provide some context, I have implemented ragdoll characters within my game using BallSocketConstraints. These constraints allow for a more realistic and dynamic movement of the characters. However, it seems that this implementation has caused an unintended consequence during the spawning process.

I have thoroughly reviewed my scripts and spawn location settings, but I cannot identify any specific code or configuration that would cause this issue. I have also tested with different spawn locations, but the problem persists.

I would greatly appreciate any insights, suggestions, or solutions from the community to help resolve this problem. Has anyone encountered a similar issue with ragdoll characters and BallSocketConstraints affecting the spawn location? If so, how did you address it?

Here are some additional details that may be helpful:

  • I am using the default Roblox character model.
  • The issue occurs across different devices and platforms.
  • I have tested with multiple accounts, but the issue remains consistent.
  • The ragdoll characters are dynamically created and controlled by scripts.

Any guidance or advice on how to rectify this situation would be highly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your assistance and expertise!


This is generally common with Roblox spawn locations. You will need to create your own spawn location by setting the player’s character model to the location you want them to spawn to.

how do i do so? it is really annoying

It’s not really too difficult, you need to first listen to when the character has spawned. When that happens, you can use MoveTo to move the character that has spawned to your desired location.

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If its still needed…

	plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = Position you want to)

I get the issue too, as @Dragonfable6000 said, creating your own location generally works to resolve the issue.