--add crippled legs
function addLeg(leg, vector)
local newLeg = game.ServerStorage.brokenLeg:Clone()
newLeg.CFrame = leg.CFrame
newLeg.Parent = script.Parent
local attachment = Instance.new("Attachment")
attachment.Parent = script.Parent.Torso
attachment.Position = vector
newLeg.BallSocketConstraint.Attachment1 = attachment
addLeg(script.Parent["Left Leg"], Vector3.new(-.5, -1, 0))
addLeg(script.Parent["Right Leg"], Vector3.new(.5, -1, 0))
Upon taking enough fall damage, your legs break, and you’re crippled. This is good. The problem is that when I delete the legs (if it matters, I’m using a custom crawling animation for when you’re crippled) the body just spazzes out, animations restarting constantly and being all janky. It isn’t the animation- I’ve tried it all without removing the legs, and it works fine.
My other idea was to make the legs transparent, so there’s no jank, but it still looks the same.
Contrary to what I expected, this is 100x times more jank, I literally just start flying.
What should I do?