I have this very weird bug in my game that rarely happens where when a player gets up from being ragdolled they are forever upside down. This is a visual bug on other clients and the actual player thats upside down does not see that they are upside down. Only other people see it.
Example of bug:
His head isn’t stuck as he can run around and even jump during this. It doesnt fix until the player dies or rejoins. There is no error in the f9 console. For my ragdolling I use this module:
All help is greatly appreciated thanks in advance!
There is no where in the module where it sets the orientation. I used find all / replace all tab to check and found nothing. Also checked to see if C0 or C1 got changed at all and they dont. The motor6ds do get disable and re-enabled during ragdoll though.
This is happening since it turns off the RootJoint motor6d
I just bug tested this on my ragdoll system and adding a check that makes sure the RootJoint motor6d fixed this issue for me