I am trying to make a brick that allows players to go through but doesn’t allow bricks to go through it.
I was wondering if anyone has a youtube tutorial or a model from roblox I could use for this.
Scripting is not my specialty at all.
I am trying to make a brick that allows players to go through but doesn’t allow bricks to go through it.
I was wondering if anyone has a youtube tutorial or a model from roblox I could use for this.
Scripting is not my specialty at all.
You would definitely want to use Collision Filtering and Collision Groups for this.
Then assign the player’s character’s parts to a “Player” collision group when a character is added to the workspace using the Player.CharacterAdded event signal.
Assuming you’ve premade a collision group using the Collision Filtering article I linked above ^
-- Regular "Script" inside "ServerScriptService"
local PhysicsService = game:GetService("PhysicsService")
for index, inst in pairs(Character:GetDescendants()) do -- we loop through every instance parented to the "Character" model
if inst:IsA("BasePart") then -- we check if the instance is a "BasePart" (you can only set the collision group for BaseParts)
PhysicsService:SetPartCollisionGroup(inst, "Player") -- we set the BasePart's collision group using PhysicsService
Thanks, I was unaware of the existence of collision filtering.
Got it working, have a good night/day.