Playercount Datastore acting weird

Hey Developers!

I’ve been recently trying to develop a hub to get to all my football team fields, however, I want to make it that you can see the player count on each billboard UI.

. No, I’m not asking to be spoon-fed. I already have something that I think should work.

function playerCount()
    local success, servers = pcall(function()
        return playerCountStore:GetSortedAsync(true,100)
    local places = servers:GetCurrentPage()
    for i, place in pairs(places) do
        local id = place.key
        local count = place.value
        if game.ReplicatedStorage.PlayerCount:FindFirstChild(id) ~= nil then
            game.ReplicatedStorage.PlayerCount:FindFirstChild(id).Value = count
            local val ="IntValue",game.ReplicatedStorage.PlayerCount)
            val.Name = id
            val.Value = math.max(0,count)
    return success

game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.PlayerCount.OnServerInvoke = playerCount

And this in another script:

while true do
    for _,v in pairs(Pages.Stadiums.List:GetChildren()) do
        if v:IsA("Frame") then
            if game.ReplicatedStorage.PlayerCount:FindFirstChild(v.PlaceID.Value) ~= nil then
                v.Online.Text = game.ReplicatedStorage.PlayerCount:FindFirstChild(v.PlaceID.Value).Value.." Players Online"

However, when the script runs in the game, it keeps saying, “two many request, try running fewer requests”

Now, I don’t know how to fix this, or ‘send fewer requests’.

I started to research and I saw this post talking about it, but nobody solved anything.

Please help.

You are calling the datastore thing once every second, per player. (60 per minute for every player)
From here, the limit for calls to GetSortedAsync is 5 per minute, + 2 for every player.

Instead of updating it whenever the OnServerInvoke is called, instead have it in a while loop that cycles every 15 seconds or so, then just return the stored value whenever the player requests it.

(Also, you should be careful about servers crashing. If they crash without the BindToClose thing firing, you may have a phantom player count.)

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Thanks for responding!

Question, i’m quite new to scripting, so how would I loop cycle? Would I do a wait somewhere around “local success”?

I found the solution, instead of

while true do

I did

while wait(200) do

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