player:GetNetworkPing() returns IncomingReplicationLag when called in-studio

the motive:

cc @GroupyClumpy

the request:

player:GetNetworkPing(), when called in-studio, returns the value stored at IncomingReplicationLag (instead of returning 0)


player:GetNetworkPing(): number
player:GetNetworkPing(useStudioIncomingReplicationLag: boolean?): number
takes an optional boolean that’s only respected when called in-studio:

--- ... when in-studio, reads & returns `Settings.IncomingReplicationLag`
--- ... otherwise, returns `player:GetNetworkPing()`

obviously useStudioIncomingReplicationLag is long and i’m sure that a smaller, more concise name can be cooked up

the yapping:

the code gymnastics required to simulate what player:GetNetworkPing() would return in-studio shouldn’t exist

here i am requesting a behavior change or addition to the vanilla player:GetNetworkPing() method that would allow network latency to be read properly when called in studio. it would satisfy cases such as:

--- because player:GetNetworkPing() doesn't read IncomingReplicationLag, 
--- simulate 200ms latency
--- the value passed into this function has to be changed *every time* IncomingReplicationLag is changed :/
--- as there is no way to read that setting using the roblox game api
--- if this function had a smell it would stink up the entire calling environment

--- returns latency \
--- pass `studiolatency` to account for studio sessions not reading IncomingReplicationLag
local function readlatency(player: Player, studiolatency: number?): number
	return RunService:IsStudio() and (studiolatency or 0) or player:GetNetworkPing()

… or cases where developers still use a ping-pong remote to measure remote latency