I have a frame in a ScreenGui that is in the PlayerGui folder. The frame’s visibility is set to false. When, in a server script, I set the frame’s visibility to true, the frame’s Visible property remains false on the client side.
ScreenGui.frame.Visible = true
If I first set the frame’s visible property to false, and then to true, then it does show up on the client’s side.
Client changes typically don’t replicate to the server, so when you change the frame’s visibility on the client that change doesn’t replicate to the server.
You must be referencing something incorrectly then, or attempting to print a property’s value before it has been set.
local Game = game
local Players = Game:GetService("Players")
local function OnPlayerAdded(Player)
local PlayerGui = Player:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")
local ScreenGui = Instance.new("ScreenGui")
ScreenGui.Enabled = false
ScreenGui.Parent = PlayerGui
This correctly displays that the ScreenGui's ‘Enabled’ property is disabled on the client.
I just made a test file, and for some reason it works there, but not in my other place. It must be something different in my original place. Thanks for the help.