PlayerList Creation Problem

So I want to make a PlayerList so I can teleport player 1 to block 1 and player 2 to block 2 and following. The problem is that I have tried a lot of ways but I do not find any way to do so. I have a round system that when the timer gets to 0 then you get teleported. So I want to teleport a specific player to a specific block. I have tried with tables, I didn’t find anything. I would be very VERY grateful to you if you can help me out with this! :slight_smile:

Here’s my code:


I have tried countless ways but I can’t figure out how to do it. So thank you if you can give me a hand with this :slight_smile:

I think the issue is that break at the end of that while wait() loop preventing the timer from being called when there’s actually players

Players[i] == 1 until Players[i] == 12 is the problem, instead do:

if i == 1 then
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Thanks but It still doesnt works

That bugs it incredibly more times

haven’t read through the function yet, but use task.spawn instead of spawn

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