Player:LoadCharacter() causes lag spikes when called


I’m aware this is not a bug reporting page, but you may consider this as a question on how to mitigate this issue. As I’ve searched the developer forum on this issue and found no results, I wanted to make the issue known and see if there is anything I need to do on my own to fix the issue.

Player:LoadCharacter() causes lag spikes, and has a delay when respawning the Player

The below video attached is me executing Player:LoadCharacter() on myself to recreate the issue, and this lag spike happens every time the Player spawns in.

The FPS on the client will dip from high frame rates to roughly ~10 FPS then returning back to normal once the Player has fully loaded.

Depending on the scale of the place, the delay is longer and frame spikes last longer as well. This issue started occurring shortly after Roblox introduced this, however I’m unsure if the two are correlated. All I know is that calling Player:LoadCharacter() causes lag spikes and a delay when spawning the Player.

:camera: Small Delay | Small Experience

:camera: Big Delay | Bigger Experience

Please keep in mind that these two experiences are not the same, and one is newer than the other. Both of these experiences exhibit the same delay, just in shorter lengths depending on what the game is, and how you interact with the character.

I’ve seen some stuff about deferredEvents in the Microprofiler, so it’s very likely this is also associated with the recent deferred events changes in the engine.


I ask for any assistance you can provide, and ways I can mitigate this lag spike, or even get rid of it entirely. I’m almost certain this is a bug, but I am unable to report the bug and I feel like bug-support isn’t quite reliable when it comes to answering reports.

Thank you for reading, and maybe share any similar experiences you may have?