Players Accessory Textures not loading on Mobile

Does anyone know what could be causing this? It seems to be happening on mobile devices but I can’t say for certain whether it is occurring at all on desktop at all.

Link to Game: Save the Seal (Emotional) - Roblox


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Although I cannot provide a technical explanation for this issue, I can confirm that I have experienced it with a mobile device in The Crusher and Flee the Facility. It appears to occur exclusively in R6-only experiences with mobile devices. Workarounds include either reseting your character or zooming in and out of your avatar with the camera multiple times. However, the latter often doesn’t fix the issue.

I considered filing a bug report for this issue, but I’m afraid it would be considered obsolete due to the development of the R6 to R15 adapter.

Just file it man, a lot of games don’t use the adapter (Including mine) and why let a bug stay in a game? Wouldn’t it be best to get it fixed?

Thanks for reminding me of this issue! You’ve convinced me to file a bug report for it. Originally, I felt discouraged because I have seen other bug reports about issues with R6 that have yet to be addressed. Hopefully, my report and those reports will eventually be triaged.