On mobile, textures for accessories sometimes fail to load in R6 experiences

Reproduction Steps

  1. On a mobile device, join an R6 experience (e.g., The Crusher) while wearing accessories.
  2. Observe how the textures for some (if not all) accessories fail to load.

Note: This issue can be hard to reproduce. To increase the chance for it to occur, wear more than 3 accessories and join an R6 experience that has around 11 players.


  • Device: iPhone 14 Pro
  • Roblox App Version: 2.616.655 (b3f402)

Expected Behavior
On a mobile device, textures for accessories should always load in R6 experiences.

Actual Behavior
On mobile, textures for accessories sometimes fail to load in R6 experiences.

To make the textures load, either reset your character or zoom in and out of your avatar with the camera multiple times. However, the latter often doesn’t fix the issue.

Date First Experienced: 2024-01-01
Date Last Experienced: 2024-03-20


As the person who convinced OP to file a bug report about this, I can confirm this also happens to me. Another issue is that often some of my character textures (and even some materials on normal parts) will appear very blurry from time to time. I believe this could be to help reduce lag on older devices, but my device does not need to lag at all for this to happen.


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when there’s any update on the issue.


This is usually due to memory pressure/low memory, what are the specs of the device is this happening on? It’s due to the character compositor downscaling all the textures from around 1024x1024 to a lower resolution image to save memory.

I experience this on all devices and not only in R6 games

I have found a potential workaround from a resource recently posted by @Lametta that fixes the way textures composite on R6. Although I cannot confirm that it resolves this issue, I’ve decided to mention it in case anyone is interested. Pinging SamsonXVI because I thought that he might be interested and maybe he could test this possible workaround.

Cc: @SamsonXVI

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