Players Ain't Able To Move

Hello, hope you are feeling well today! :slight_smile: . Since my game got released some players ain’t able to move in it. Scripts ain’t affecting speed, neither player’s control. Currently is happening on Mac and on some mobiles. Idk if this is a bug, that’s why I posted here. The only thing they can do is jump. Someone joined with this issue and I said oh ok, let me give him speed. But still looks like the speed is not being affected, is just that ain’t able to move.

What Happens: A player joins the game, they start running normally until 3 seconds and then they stop. As I said none of the scripts affect the players speed, (There is just one that Disables the Player Movement, but just if they are below a certain level 2.) Attention, this function doesn’t run if the player is 2 + of level. Also, the scripts that really affect speed, just change it to 16 or 32 depending on the boost. (If you buy a boost the speed will be set to 32, after a minute it goes back to 16) done. So nothing really is setting the speed to 0.

Sorry, if I didn’t explained myself very well.

Could you show us the code which disables movement and changes the walk speed?

Player movement doesn’t usually just stop, so a script really is the most likely thing to be of issue here.

A popular method for debugging this kind of general problem, would be to remove/disable scripts one by one to see if the problem stops after a specific script is disabled. Then you’ll be able to work out which one is causing the problem and spend time on debugging.


I really dont know what is it but all I know it happens in alot roblox games while loading topbar

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Tutorial on client side:

function TutorialScript ()
local PlayerModule = require(player.PlayerScripts.PlayerModule)
local Controls = PlayerModule:GetControls()
-- Tutorial Starts After This Line --
-- After Tutorial Finishes --

if player.Level.Value < 2 then

Speed Boost on Server Side:

local Humanoid =  player.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 32
delay(60, function()
	Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16

The game where the issues happens is in here: The Lost Land [Survival] - Roblox

Do not disable controls it can make issue while loading module

Top Bar have many issues idk why, it happens sometimes that it give like warnings. I can see them in the output. Infinite WaitForChild.

Well the Tutorial activates if the person is below 2 of Level.

You dont have to disable controls it maybe can give a bad looking but trt making walkspeed 0

I disable their movement because the tutorial guides you around.

I can’t use debug because the issue is not happening to me, is in the game to some people.

Hmmmm I dont have any idea about it but new topbar makes player unmoveable

Try asking the players receiving this error to press F9 to see if there are any local errors on Dev Console.
If you see

And you can tell it ends up yielding there without progressing, it’s probably going to be that something isn’t loading or maybe has been deleted?

I’m getting this error after I go onto the game:

You ain’t able to move in the game?

The tutorial seems to get stuck, and then I get stuck/remain stuck.

Ooooh, ok I know why is that. (Well that’s because is not finding a Dead Trunk in the game. I have to fix that issue). Can you reset if you are able to please.

Try wait() before disabling controls and make sure put wait() at start of every script because every roblox client compiles different it can make difference for property of computer

I have a repeat wait(1) until game:IsLoaded() in the top of the script.

ok so idk problem then thats all I can say

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Well, thank you for your help! :slight_smile: If something I will just report it as a bug.