Players are able to purchase gamepasses mutiple times

Hello I made a gui in my game that you have to press and it prompts you a gamepass but the issue is that it prompts the gamepass even after purchasing it


Can someone tell me how to fix this?


It is a developer product. When it prompted the purchase it also said ‘Want to buy the Product…’


This is not a gamepass, are you sure it’s a gamepass?
Can you show code?
It seems like a product.


Did you make it as a developer product?


This is the code for the gui:

  if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Muted.Value ~= true then
	local haspass = false
	local succes, err = pcall(function()
		  haspass = game:GetService("MarketplaceService"):UserOwnsGamePassAsync(game.Players.LocalPlayer.UserId,10978563)
	if haspass then
		print("player owns the gamepass")


yeah it is a gamepass gamepass

When it prompted the purchase it said ‘Want to buy the product…’

That is weird because it is a gamepass

Are you sure you refer to that gamepass?

Yeah I’m reffering to the right gamepass

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I have never seen such a glitch before. It may be a Roblox glitch that will pass by itself. Just give it some time


Does it actually cost you 1 robux everytime you confirm? And maybe worth to check your gamepass pending sales to verify the issue.

Yeah it takes away 1 robux everytime I purchase it this bug is stealing money

Then as @XDvvvDX said this might be a glitch. But I believed this is something that need to be reported in platform feedback.

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If you can purchase it multiple times, then its a developer product. Developer products can be bought multiple times.

It is not a developer product

Hmm, thats wierd. Never seen anything like this before. Can you try kicking the price up and testing it inside studio? My suspision is that it is the price because its so low.

I tried doing it with 30 robux but it still prompts the gamepass

Yea is a Developer product you can’t purchase the same gamepass again except if you had deleted it from your inventory or it isn’t?

In my script i have put a print statement to detect if the player already owns the gamepass but i have to purchase the gamepass 3 - 4 times before it detects that the player already owns the gamepass and starts printing “player owns the gamepass”

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The dev hub says that UserOwnsGamePassAsync Has catching behavior and saves whether they own it upon first joining the server, so that may be why it’s calling over and over again, So that could be it:

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