Players buying random clothes? But Third Party Sales are disabled

Oh plz someone help me…

Not that I mind more Robux, but, how can people be buying clothes I don’t sell? Third Party Sales are disabled!

I am very sure a friend of mine accidentally added several viruses to my game. I have removed all sus require(number) from scripts. Even so, they should not be able to bypass the Third Party Sales setting, right? Right…???

After the 2nd peak is when I checked the setting to see if it was disabled. I do not recall if it was disabled already, but it was definitely disabled after it, yet now there are more sales… My group sells no items, these items are made by other players, strangers…

The Avatar Inspect Menu (guide, forum post) is accessible through the core playerlists in the escape menu and default leaderboard. It allows players to inspect and purchase items worn by another player regardless of the third party sales restriction.

These purchases aren’t malicious. Players are deliberately purchasing clothing that another player in your experience is wearing. If you want to disable this, the GuiService:SetInspectMenuEnabled() method in a LocalScript should work.


So I should expect to get commissions from this?

You get a small percentage of the robux spent if a user buys a avatar item from another users avatar while they are in your game.


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