Players Character bodies being left behind

For some reason when a player dies in my game, a copy of their character stays left behind.

Also sometimes when they leave their character model makes a clone of itself staying ingame. It’s basically just a dummy of their character.

Anyone know the cause of this bug?

If you don’t have a script that clones the characters then it’s just a virus or plugin that infected your game.

Check your plugins and scripts

Nope. It’s not a plugin or a virus. I think we both know that plugins and viruses do not do that sort of thing, it’s a scripting bug. My game was working fine, I didn’t install a virus or plugin, so I’m almost certain that isn’t it.

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I can create a virus that does that, it’s not that hard. Who says it’s a bug?

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I say it’s a bug, because I don’t use free models, and I don’t install plugins. I scripted my game, this happened after I changed something up. But I may have fixed it by now.

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I think it happens when you kill a player from the client. Not entirely sure though