Players don't understand the objective of my game

Hey there, so I made a game where you have to do stuff to get endings in order to unlock further endings. (Similar concept to get a snack at 4 am)

My problem is that new players can’t figure out what to do, then they get bored and leave the game. They only get the most obvious ending (the oof ending, it’s basically a bag of chips with a note on it “do not eat” and if you eat it, you get the ending.) After they got it, players keep asking me what to do and tell me they got stuck. The badges just confirm it. 2.6k people got the oof ending while only 200 got the true ending (last ending of chapter one)

I already added a tutorial tv, made notes to tell the players what to do and mentioned the shop in the objective but I feel like adding more hints that seem obvious to me isn’t the right way. I probably have to change something about the gameplay but what?

If you have time, please join and try to get the endings. Please tell me how I could show the players what they are supposed to do without taking away the ‘discovering secrets’ game play too much


If your game is new, then you should wait longer. Everyone doesn’t always find all the secrets and masters the entire game in one spoof - it takes time for them to learn. Or, another reason, is that there are just too much things to interact with and do that they often get overwhelmed and focus on something else irrelevant.


I really like the game, and I think it’s just that the “off ending” is the easiest ending to get.

I recommend adding a GUI on first time joining which explains the objective of your game.

If this helped, feel free to mark it as the solution and give me a like :smiley:

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Of course there will be more people getting the easier badge, than the harder badge, it’s just the way of life and you can’t do anything about it.

After playing it I realized how lost I was, since I don’t check clues or the massive amounts of posters & memes, hell, I needed to walk to the store and back to even find the chips. There just isn’t a guide to guide a idiot like me, it was just mindless waking around untill I found the place I could do one of the endings.

My suggestion would be:
Remove some of the posters so you would understand what to do
Make some kind of a guide a normal 8 year old could find
Possibly not make the players replay the whole game to get another achievement? there’s just too many and if someone wants to get them all, they will just give up
These suggestions may be dumb, but those are the only ones I have

Interesting game tho, goodluck on it

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Thanks a lot! By replaying the whole game, what exactly are you talking about? They just have grab the key and unlock the door every time. Why does it seem like this?

From the 10-15 minutes I played, walking was quite boring, there just wasn’t anything to look at or do, it was just walking untill you hit your objective. Doing that for a couple times to get a badge can be boring

Dude, check this out

Ok this might not give a lot of info. but on the simplest of terms. Don’t go around typing walls of text, make them figure things out.

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I know what are you talking about but I have seen people that can’t understand the most simple things. As I readed, you added a tutorial and hints and telling what to do but don’t add more hints or you will give them the game solution. I think you understand what I want to say.

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