Players fail to receive Pass in inventory after ROBUX transaction is completed

Reproduction Steps

1. Purchase a Pass from either the store on the browser on the game’s page, or purchase in-game from the Marketplace prompt.
2. Confirm the transaction

Expected Behavior

I expect the Pass to be added to the inventory and enjoy the features of the Pass.

Actual Behavior

The Robux are taken from the account, but the Pass does not get added to the inventory and UserOwnsGamePassAsync does not acknowledge the purchase.


I have gotten several emails about this bug from players over the holiday weekend, and my current solution is that I have a table listing all of the user id’s of players that failed to get their Pass, and when they join the game, the game allows them to have the effects of the pass. I have been able to confirm that the Robux transaction was completed by the user by viewing my “Sales of Goods” tab, but the Pass is not in their inventory. I have had it happen to me once before in a live server, but I failed to accurately replicate it in Studio or in a live server.

Issue Area: Roblox Website
Page URL:{passID}/
Impact: High
Frequency: Rarely
Date Last Experienced: 2022-12-27 00:12:00 (-08:00)


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.


Hi a moderator should have reached out to you already. Please start a new report if there are further issues. Thanks!

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