Players Failing to Teleport to Reserved Server. "Teleport Restricted"

Hello! I have gotten many reports from players of my game, Escape the Night, of failed teleports with the message: Teleport Restricted.

My game uses a hub system. Players touch a pad and get put into a table. After 30 seconds, the players in the table are teleported to a separate place inside the game using TeleportToPrivateServer with a reserved server code.

I decided to track the failed teleports with TeleportInitFailed and connect them to a webhook.

The errors are mixed with both Unauthorized and GameEnded. These errors only happen to certain players, and I’m curious if this can be fixed or if it is a ROBLOX problem.

The game currently has around 1,500 concurrent players and people are unable to play due to this. Any help is appreciated!

Game Link: Escape The Night - Roblox

Could you show us the part of your code which adds players into a table and later teleports them?

Table insert:



local tps = game:GetService("TeleportService")
local serverCode = tps:ReserveServer(6457860353)

All of the coding is pretty simple when it comes to teleporting the player, which is why I’m confused on why this is happening.

I believe someone had a similar issue the other day and managed to solve it by teleporting the players individually instead of teleporting them as a group.

Basically, just loop through your players in the table and teleport each on separately (not as a group).

That’s how I originally did it. I changed it to doing the table only and problem still continued. I’m pretty sure there is a bug with Canada and reserved servers. I asked the people who could not connect if they were in Canada and they all said yes. I even used a VPN to test in my game and a game with a similar hub system, Outlaster, and it restricted the teleport. It seems to be a problem based off of the player’s region. Hopefully will be fixed soon!