Player's field of view | Bird's eye perspective

Roblox doesn’t have custom shader support, so your options are:

* Normally the darkness would be black, though there might be lighting settings or post processing Instances to change the color of the darkness to make it look like misty lighter fog

The respective posts are the solutions. There aren’t other ways to do this (besides beams or semi-transparent meshes and other overly complicated, equally or less functional solutions than the ones above).

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did you know you can use negative lighting in future? it will make anything it touches completely black. this could work, although it is bad quality.


he means use ui that looks like fog, and make it go around the player. this is unreliable, however.

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It would also work to have everything dark to start then use a spot light in the forward direction.

That is actually super cool though.

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ik, but the spotlight could easily not work. for one thing, it could lag and make the player walk into it. same for my idea though.


The spotlight instance could be placed in an attachment positioned above the humanoid root part. Then the light would go in the direction of the player.

The player could also be marked as CastShadow = false, then the character wouldn’t block the spotlight and it could be placed directly in the HRP.

Having a spotlight shouldn’t cause any performance issues, they’re used all the time in games.

I think the OP is okay with the player seeing themselves. The spotlight would be inside the player, so it would move with them as they walk.

Do you mean with low graphics settings the lighting wouldn’t render the darkness properly so they could still see? I guess a UI could be used on the edges to make sure this doesn’t happen.


ik, but on low graphics you could walk into it and see yourself.

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The effect is good, the only problem is that the player should be clearly visible, and the light should not reflect so much on the player.

  • This circle is a lantern that I added, don’t worry.


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I decided to add another block that shines over my head but the effect is meager but not too bad. Does anyone have a better idea?


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add particles coming from the fog. lockedtopart particles.

Cloning the Character to an viewport maybe, but idk how to get animations done rly, i think you have to use a worldmodel

but the lantern you made makes it a bit more realistic so use ur method

Yes, if you decide this route you do need worldmodel to display animations

You could put a PointLight in a Part about 5 studs ahead of the player, but have it’s range at about 12 studs. Make the Brightness lower so it doesn’t overpower the original spotlight, but lights up the area around the player without adding the ‘circle and cone’ effect in your picture. As has been stated you can remove the CastShadow effect from the PointLight so the player’s body doesn’t cast a shadow behind them.

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