Players flying in my game

Hello, a log time ago I started to notice that some players are flying in my game, and they are NOT exploiting.
I know this because on their screen everything is normal while on others screen the player flying and also the way they move its how someone will ever do.
I tried fixing this years ago, but no success.

Here are some things that I suspect for this issue:

My Players Collisions Script (click to open)
local PhysicsService = game:GetService('PhysicsService')

PhysicsService:CollisionGroupSetCollidable('Players', 'Players', false)

local function disableCollision(obj)
	if obj:IsA('BasePart') then
		PhysicsService:SetPartCollisionGroup(obj, 'Players')

local function setup(model)
	for i, obj in pairs(model:GetDescendants()) do

	if player.Character then

- HD Admin.

My game has no viruses and im 100% sure about this.

Does someone here also experience this?

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What exactly do you mean by flying? Floating or flying as if you were using a command?


They are actually flying, but in a weird way, its not like your using commands.

Could you elaborate on how they were flying? could you look around for a picture of this happening or a drawing of what it looks like. Thanks.

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I think I found the issue. It was something with an old double-jump script that I made years ago.
Thanks to everyone trying to elaborate.


Hello! So, I was recently accused of exploiting in a game. I was falsely perma banned because someone claims to have seen me flying in the game, but I was normal on my screen. Possible relation?

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Yes this is what happend.

In my game there was a problem with a double-jump animation, now everything is fixed.
I teached my moderators before to never ban someone for this glitch.

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I got unbanned, but your response would have been very useful as evidence if I didn’t. Thanks.

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Alright, so there is something in the game I got falsely banned from that is causing players to fly. Can I have as much info on this as possible? I am trying to help the team pinpoint this bug.

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In my game, I had an old, outdated and not updated Double-Jump system.
This Double-Jump feature also had an animation that was playing while the player was in the air.

I decided to remove the animation to see if it was causing it, and yes it was.
(not to mention, that animation was kinda bad actually)

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