I have a script that will give players certain clothes if they’re in a group, or on a team. This works completely fine in studio test… yet in game it doesn’t do anything. There’s no errors and I double checked that the assetID’s were assetID’s and not catalog IDs. I’m completely lost as to what to do at this point. The script is a serverscript in serverscriptservice.
Have you made sure that Roblox has not moderated the assets, causing them to not appear in-game? If they have been moderated, try reuploading the asset.
If that’s not the case, try pre-loading them (using ContentProvider:PreloadAsync()) before you add them to your Character.
local ContentProvider = game:GetService("ContentProvider")
function ClothesGiver(Player)
local Character = Player.Character
local Shirt = Instance.new(“Shirt”)
Shirt.ShirtTemplate = “http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=” .. L_shirt_ID
local Pants = Instance.new(“Pants”)
Pants.PantsTemplate = “http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=” .. L_pants_ID
ContentProvider:PreloadAsync({Shirt, Pants})
Shirt.Parent = Character
Pants.Parent = Character