Players getting stuck on the edges

I am currently making a custom movement system, I have a capsule collider, but I’m running into some issues with my LinearVelocity as it affects how the capsule behaves, and I do not know why.

All the humanoid parts have CanCollide disabled so the capsule collider is the only one responsible for the collision.

Here’s an example:

As you can see, when I enable my LinearVelocity, my capsule gets stuck when a player gets in between the edges when it should’ve pushed them off. I’ve thought of applying a reflective force but I have no clue how I would detect the parts.

I have absolutely zero clue on how or what I should do to approach this issue.
Please, any help will be appreciated :,)

I think the problem is you capsule collider being too short. From what I’ve seen in the video the capsule is hooking onto the edge and causing the player to be stuck. A solution to this is either make it larger to extend across the whole body or make it thinner so it can’t hook onto anything.

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The capsule collider that is spans across the character’s length is typically what you see in Unity’s game I’d assume. I’ve tried stretching it out from top to bottom but it makes the humanoid REALLY glitchy - basically unplayable. Besides, I would also want some leg space so that the player can go up slides/stairs smoothly.

I am now suspecting that it could be the imbalance of the upright force, I’ll test this out later, thanks for your response!