Players hard crashing when attempting to join game, existing players in game not crashing

Reproduction Steps
Able to be reproduced consistently by joining the game: Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition - Roblox

Will be able to provide place file if needed upon engineer request.

Expected Behavior
When joining, the client will load for a few seconds, and then immediately hard crash out with no error message or kick message. Local logs show nothing out of the ordinary.

Actual Behavior
Above; sorry for lack of visual aids, am currently trying to resolve issue.

Current workaround is to delete anything with a SurfaceAppearance.

Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Crashing
Impact: Critical
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2021-10-07 18:10:00 (-04:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2021-10-07 00:10:00 (-04:00)

1 Like

We’ve reverted a change that caused this, so should be fixed now! Let us know if it’s still occurring.


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