Players inventories don't seem to be appearing correctly

Going through support I doubt will get any sort of reply before Monday anyway so there’s not much point sadly.


Unfortunately this is still an issue nearly 48 hours on, do you have any ETA on a fix?


Hi folks, thanks for sharing details about what you’re experiencing. The team is aware and is currently investigating. We’ll share an update as soon as we have one!


Can confirm, happened to me just now. The person I traded with has the item in their inventory, not able to wear it. They are able to trade it though. I have the item in my inventory and I’m able to wear it, but not able to trade it.

The trade can be seen above.
(Don’t question the trade, it was a mixture of trades between my friend. They were getting my Valk.)

Edit: The item that bugged was the “Gold Emperor of the Night”


This issue now seems to be resolved.


This issue should now be resolved for all users. Please let us know if you are still experiencing any issues. Thank you!


I am still experiencing this issue.


@Kairomatic I’m having an issue with 1 of my limited items. - It is in my inventory and I’m able to wear it but I’m not able to trade it. It doesn’t show up in the trade window altrough I own it.

This only occured a couple of days ago and I can give you the UAID/Serial of the item if you want to check.

It is similar to what @Baysights described.

1 Like

This issue is happening again- but with Badges instead of hats. We cannot view all our pages of badges. This is affecting games that use the Badge API to count your total badges as well.

Inventory stops at page 4 for multiple users:

Badge API stops counting around 15k consistently:

image image


More information on this issue:

This can be replicated 100% of the time by getting 20,000 or more badges on any account. Then the pages will not go past 4 anymore. You can quickly (a few hours) get 20,000 badges by playing a few badge walks.

The api glitches 100% of the time for anyone with over 21,000 badges it seems. This causes it to stop at either 14,200, 15,000 or 15,100.

This is affecting my group with over 40,000 members as we can no longer rank people based on their badge counts. This bug is also hurting the badge community as our visits have fallen over 50% because of this.


Hello, i got the same problem, and, is it possible to fix it on my profile, please ?
My badges go to the page 4 but in reality, i have more than 19k+ badges…

Is it possible to “reload” my badge inventory ?

Thank you for reading;
Have a good day,



The Badge API are completely broken , when we getting new badges it does not appear on our inventory and it’s completely frozen , some badges that I already have when I go to the game I’m getting the notification that I got the badge again


This bug is still going on and it’s extremely annoying. Any updates on this would be appreciated.


yes, then… so hum, i think we can vote if it happens to you (and if this problem isn’t rare):

Do you have the same problem with badges ?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters


To add onto this, it appears that newly earned badges are appearing at the completely wrong side of my badge list. Ones that I earned this week are appearing next to badges that I got back in 2012!

My Inventory – Last page of badges

The two badges inside of the red lines, created by jaredvaldez4, were earned in September 2012.

Every other badge inside of the yellow lines were earned in this past week (start of March 2021).


i think this is roblox’s count badge API in a nutshell


Having the same issue here. The badge I’ve earned yesterday is not appearing on the first page but on the last page, together with badges i’ve earned in 2016.


The CountBadgeAPI is very glitched.
I think roblox need to remake it.


Could be, i’ve never experienced issues with it until yesterday.


This issue was resolved in December.

File a new bug report on the badge-related inventory issues.