Players Istantly leaving my game. FEEDBACK?

(thanks so much for helping me out here)

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Yes, that. That’s what the Lock script does, but that forces it to be LockFirstPerson by default. I’m not sure what the issue is with the Lock Script locking players out of First Person is, though, I’d have to do another check and open the developer console to see what the issue is.

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so this is better now? and whats wrong with the lock script why is it putting you into third person?
i sent the code above

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Yeah, that should keep it in first-person mode unless changed. Another note: the camera still isn’t locked unless the CameraToggle is activated, I believe you have the Back To Lobby button’s Modal property enabled (stops mouse from moving camera in first person). I suggest you add a local script that activates its modal property when you press a keybind.

I’m doing another test run to see why that’s the case, just give me a minute and I’ll see if an error occurs.

modal enabled and published

i just had a weird error show up saying attempted to teleport to a place that is restricted

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now my mouse it free and i cant lock it

I meant set Modal to false, and have a script that activates it when a keybind is pressed.

Also, I made it to the Library section, will be seeing the developer console output after I finish it, hopefully.

modal was false all the time

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Weird… Also, the third-person after the first Figure section was fixed.

why is this happening to me?
the place is not restricted

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I do not know? Give it some time, Roblox is probably having issues.

yeah but now my camera wont lock, resulting me in having to non-stop hold my mouse to look


Not having that issue on my end. Like I said, have Modal set to false, and have a localscript that enables it after a keybind is pressed.

what does modal even do= charlimit

are you saying for you the mouse is locked to middle?

It makes it so that the camera doesn’t lock in first person when enabled.

This is the Documentation for Modal.

Yes, it is locked to the center for me.

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oh so thats the issue why my mouse isnt locking to first person. so i need to disable the modal property for the button in order for my camera to lock again?

Yes, and make a localscript that toggles Modal when a keybind is pressed, so you can Unlock your mouse if you wish to press Back to Lobby whenever.

oh… so game userinputservice inputbegan connect blah if keybing then modal = true?