Players Istantly leaving my game. FEEDBACK?

Hello there!
We (My Team and I) have worked really hard and still are working really hard on this project. we get low traffic (1 player join every 2 minutes) but they instantly leave. whats the problem?

is it the lobby music?
the lighting?
What am i doing wrong?
its not just the case with this game. also with my fighting games and tycoon games.
i need help how to keep players ingame


this might be kida harsh but… first the lobby is bland. music is fine. make the ui more pritty move the viewport frame in the lobby to the workspace (if it is a mode that is). change from hd admin to exev4 (v5 is comming out soon) you can find it here on the devforums. when i enterd the main game in the elaver thare was 2 musics playing fix that. in the elavator thare was a advert for youre groupe make it more decreet but still notcable. and add better lighting ,when i enterd the maing game tutreal room it was like entering a abbys and i tured up my grapic settings and it did nothing. hope this helps.


whats the game tutreal room… there is no tutorial room


the first room whith the key.

word limmet


the lighting looks fine to me. i dont know whats wrong. are you on mobile?

i made sure to place enough lights and even a lightbase above the room

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thats way to dark. the player wans to see the detail even tho it is isible it is still darker than most games so that is a big adjustment.

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should i go back to shadowmap lighting?

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okay let me make a few adjustments

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use withch liging tech you think fits youre game best.

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future of course. but i have a question. did it look like the image above to you?

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what do you mean by “did “it” look like the immage”

is this better? or too bright?

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a smidge brrighter and but other than that its grate.(a lot better than befor)

i dont get how i am supposed to make a horror game scary if its day bright

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Revamping the leaderboards colors to make it more consistent with the game’s theme would be a good idea, maybe try editing the style of the leaderboard UI itself as well. I also recommend developing
your own small admin panel instead of using HD Admin.

I played it for a little bit, here’s some issues
The camera goes into third-person mode after the Library section

Camera Lock permanently locks you into the Feedback/Bug Report Form if you enable it while it is opened by accident on PC

Camera Lock feels clunky (it’s required to be activated while in first person)

alright. but i basically have absolutely no experience with that

so to fix this i edit the lock script?

	function CheckCode()
		local EnteredCode = ""..script.ONE.Value.Text..""..script.TWO.Value.Text..""..script.THREE.Value.Text..""..script.FOUR.Value.Text..""
		if EnteredCode == Code then
			for a,b in ipairs(script.Parent:GetDescendants()) do
				if b:IsA("BasePart") then
					b.Anchored = false			

			script.SPOTRADIUSVAL.Value.Value = 300
			for a,b in ipairs(script.VIEWING_PEOPLE:GetChildren()) do
				if b.Value.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild(script.SCENE_GUI.Value.Name) then
					b.Value.CameraMaxZoomDistance = 0.5
					b.Value.CameraMinZoomDistance = 0.5
					b.Value.CameraMode = Enum.CameraMode.LockFirstPerson
				if script.VIEWING_PEOPLE:FindFirstChild(b.Value.Name) then

				script.LOCKED_ONE.Value.Value = false
				script.LOCKED_TWO.Value.Value = false
				for a,b in ipairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
					if b.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild("CLUES_NUMBERS_LIBARY_GUI") then

this was supposed to reset camera back to first person. whats wrong?

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how do i autoactivate camera lock

Camera Lock is referring to CameraToggle, which is what I was referring to by this.

For forcing first-person without a script, you can do LockFirstPerson instead of Classic in CameraMode under StarterPlayer.