Players+ Library

Welcome to the Player+ library. This library can help with doing certain things to players, such as finding their characters, getting player count & others!


The official Player+ library documentation. Here you will see how each function works.
.createLeaderstatsAsync(arg1, arg2, arg3)

This will create a leaderstats script which can save some time with 3 arguments:

  • Argument 1: Name of the currency. (string)
  • Argument 2: The value type. (string)
  • Argument 3: Starting amount. Only works with argument 2 set to “NumberValue”. (number)

Returns the amount of players during the function call. Useful for 2-player round-based games.


Returns the player names during the function call. (Might need delay in order for players to join)


Gets the player’s character. It is the opposite of game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(). Argument 1 is the player’s name.

.ApplyDescriptionToPlayers(arg1, arg2) (ARGUMENT 2 DEPRECATED)

This function was made because I was bored. It applies a HumanoidDescription to all players, not very useful. Also argument 2 is deprecated.

Get it!

You can get it… here!. You can modify this however you want, since it’s open-sourced anyway.

(i feel like everything i make is useful ends up being useless)


I don’t think I’m going to be using this.

You can already do these things easily that won’t require that many lines of code.

like for example you can get the amount of players in the game simply by doing this:


These functions just aren’t that helpful in my opinion.


Don’t be angry at me, I did not know this existed.

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Not exactly sure if I’ve seen you posted on Community-Resources before, but if it’s your first library, it’s a pretty decent attempt at it.

It could be a pretty good library if you update it enough with good functions.


I am not showing any form of anger as I am showing constructive feedback. If this is a way to keep me to reply back to send your post to the top of the latest page, that would be pretty unethical of you to do.



Or Player.Character


I think he optimized it with yielding, That way so you can’t get nil errors

local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait() you mean? Still doesn’t really make it any more useful


Yeah, one thing could make it more useful is a proper TypeChecking and a Character Type for R6 and R15

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Why is it called Player+ if most of the functions aren’t made for a certain player?

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I don’t know. Maybe I forgot to add an S before naming it? imma fix

He already reinvented your wheel

I’m sorry, but you are comparing a module meant to interact with players and #game.Players:GetPlayers()

I thought these modules are similar :confused: