Hello. My name is Lightningboy_7, and I am making a game called Long Legs Life for my group Lightning Studio! I published the game and it is going pretty well, but I want to make the characters better. They are supposed to have long upper and lower legs, nothing else. Here is an example of what it should look like and what I want it to:
Instead, characters kind of look like this, with different variations such as arms at different positions, floating parts, hair higher or lower, etc (This is actually not a bad picture considering what I have seen) :
I think the problem is in the scripts, which I will show below. The first one is in a block that encompasses the whole map, which does most of it, and the second one is in StarterCharacterScripts inside StarterPlayer:
local button = script.Parent
local humanoid = hit.Parent:FindFirstChildWhichIsA('Humanoid')
if humanoid then
if humanoid.HipHeight > 10 then
local body = hit.Parent
humanoid.WalkSpeed = humanoid.WalkSpeed*2
humanoid.JumpHeight = humanoid.JumpHeight*2
body.LowerTorso.Size = body.LowerTorso.OriginalSize.Value
body.LeftFoot.Size = body.LeftFoot.OriginalSize.Value
body.LeftHand.Size = body.LeftHand.OriginalSize.Value
body.LeftLowerArm.Size = body.LeftLowerArm.OriginalSize.Value
body.LeftUpperArm.Size = body.LeftUpperArm.OriginalSize.Value
body.RightFoot.Size = body.RightFoot.OriginalSize.Value
body.RightHand.Size = body.RightHand.OriginalSize.Value
body.RightLowerArm.Size = body.RightLowerArm.OriginalSize.Value
body.RightUpperArm.Size = body.RightUpperArm.OriginalSize.Value
body.UpperTorso.Size = body.UpperTorso.OriginalSize.Value
body.Head.Size = body.Head.OriginalSize.Value
body.HumanoidRootPart.Size = body.HumanoidRootPart.OriginalSize.Value
body.UpperTorso.Position = body.LowerTorso.Position + Vector3.new(0, body.UpperTorso.Size.Y/2, 0)
body.Head.Position = body.UpperTorso.Position + Vector3.new(-body.Head.Size.X/15, body.Head.Size.Y + body.Head.Size.Y/3, body.Head.Size.Z/3)
body.LeftUpperArm.Position = body.UpperTorso.Position + Vector3.new(-body.LeftUpperArm.Size.X/2, body.LeftUpperArm.Size.Y/5, -body.LeftUpperArm.Size.Z/2)
body.LeftLowerArm.Position = body.LeftUpperArm.Position + Vector3.new(0, -body.LeftLowerArm.Size.Y/1.5, body.LeftLowerArm.Size.Z)
body.LeftHand.Position = body.LeftLowerArm.Position + Vector3.new(0, -body.LeftHand.Size.Y*2, 0)
body.RightUpperArm.Position = body.LeftUpperArm.Position + Vector3.new(body.RightUpperArm.Size.X*1.5, 0, -body.RightUpperArm.Size.Z/2)
body.RightLowerArm.Position = body.LeftLowerArm.Position + Vector3.new(body.RightLowerArm.Size.X*1.5, 0, body.RightLowerArm.Size.Z/1.5)
body.RightHand.Position = body.RightLowerArm.Position + Vector3.new(0, -body.RightHand.Size.Y*2, 0)
body.HumanoidRootPart.Position = body.HumanoidRootPart.Position + Vector3.new(0, -4.5, 0)
body.Animate.ScaleDampeningPercent.Value = 2.5
humanoid.HipHeight = 10
local humanoid = script.Parent.Humanoid
local person = script.Parent
humanoid.BodyHeightScale.Value = humanoid.BodyHeightScale.Value*6
I am not sure if you would have to weld the parts together or something, but I would like this done because it would definitely improve the game. Thank you!