Hello i dont know in which category ask this but how someone can give himself rank Admin in a roblox group and do whatever he want? I though only the Owner can do that… Thank you
Check your group’s settings and ensure that for the casual rank that you uncheck the command that allows them to rank themselves up
MM we have it off… somehow random people can give themself admin rank in the group, until now, bc we close the Join group function
Could it be an admin that is ranking them up? If not, they’re probably manipulating the Roblox website somehow
there was only the owner my friend, and one admin(me), and suddendly some guests started to do things
Does the Guest role have group shout permissions?
no we haven’t… thanks for all your answers guys hope we get to something and other devs can check this post out if it happens to them
idk where find the backdoor they still can make themself admins, so we deleted them from the group and make it unjoineable by now…
also i found in google like 2 links to this page saying exactly what happens to us, but the links doesnt exist anymore :,l
That’s not the problem I don’t think. Roblox patched that issue back then, I remember it being a big thing with people being able to rank themselves higher and even to owner roles.
It may say “Guest” in audit logs because they’re now no longer in your group but if they had permissions before they left your group, that’s why their audits are there. For example if I was ranked to Admin in your group and then ranked somebody to Moderator and left your group, my audit log would then show I’m a guest. Check permissions for the first role in your group too.
If that’s not the case either you should maybe try forward this to @Bug-Support with more details.
i think we figurated out what happened
… messing with the permissions a few days ago in the group, the rank (0-255) and etc… somehow we did that all the players that join the group they makes automatically admins , unbelieveble… and some kids realised that and says heyy ima hakerr hehh lets delete everything… our bad… hope this post doesnt get erased bc my multiple comments or the wrong category, so this can help someone…
Thank you all guys!!
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