Players no longer have an edit button on created place instances

I am exporting things people build using CreatePlaceInPlayerInventoryAsync so they can access them from studio. Now they don’t get to join in studio anymore and I do. My export feature has been broken.

I get HTTP 409 (HTTP/1.1 409 User is not authorized to access Asset.) when I try to edit, which makes it seem like the correct player is still actually able to join in studio, it’s just that the “edit” button shows up for me instead of them. The button display is what is broken, then. An edit button should show up for them.

The other player is able to inspect element an edit button on another place and change the placeid and data-universeid parameters to enter studio, so the access is still functioning properly, it’s just a matter of displaying the edit button to the right person.

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This has been fixed, thanks for the report!


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