Hello, I seem to be having some connection issues in my game and I cannot find the cause.
This error is normally given out when you lose internet mid-game, however players have been receiving this error randomly mid-game with no internet issues. I believe there is something in my game that is causing this, rather than a Roblox issue or bad internet connection.
If you’re curious, here’s the game: 💪Mega Noob Simulator💪 - Roblox
I personally got disconnected yesterday before I dropped an update and blew it off as my internet connection. Not sure if this is because a memory leak, or some sort of backdoor, or a messed up function. This issue has cut my playtime in half, and has driven away MANY users. It is happening to only some people.
What scripting errors can cause high ping? I’m really not sure what to look for when trying to find the source of the cause as I’ve noticed it’s not a Roblox issue, and It’s not a consistent issue, so some feedback and advice would be appreciated!