Players should not be able to pick up nearby tools when their character dies

Reproduction Steps
As mentioned in these two threads, if a player dies and there are tools near the player when it dies, there is a chance that it may pick up those tools.

Expected Behavior
The player should not be picking up tools when the player’s death is indicated by the Humanoid’s Health value being zero or the Died() call being fired.

Unless there are games that benefit from tools in Workspace that are physically located around the player’s body being moved into the backpack when they die, the default behavior should be not to pick up any tools that the player’s body parts touch when the player is in a dead state.

Actual Behavior
Since the backpack resets when the player respawns into the game, that means they’ll just be unnecessarily picking up tools that will simply be removed from the game.

This also results in unnecessary calls as the OnEquipped call may fire for every tool picked up by the dead player, as well as those that listen for new objects added to either the Backpack or the character’s Model.

Possible workarounds include:

  • Waiting for the body to disappear before spilling the tools to prevent the tools from being readded to the backpack by the dead player
  • Placing a giver/dispenser mechanic in place of the tool’s location
  • Other means that basically prevent tools from being picked up by the player in absence of disabling the player’s ability to pick up tools on death.

Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Other
Impact: Moderate
Frequency: Sometimes
Date First Experienced: 2022-02-05 00:02:00 (+08:00)


Thanks for the report. We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

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I am having to deal with this too! I hope there is an update soon.