Players teleporting even when they have good FPS and ping

I don’t know if this is the right category, but I’m having a problem with players teleporting (in a laggy way), and it’s really annoying considering my game is a shooting game so it effects fights. I’ve looked on the developer forum already but didn’t find anything that has the same problem as me.

could you attach a video or a script so we can know how can we help?

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There is no video and I don’t know how to attach videos. But I’ll try explaining it roughly. When the player runs sometimes they teleport in a laggy way, if you’ve seen how laggy players walk/or jump then that’s what I’m talking about. I have no idea why this happens because the player teleporting has a very good graphics card, running 200 fps, and almost 0 ping.

Could you show the script that is teleporting the player?

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There is no script teleporting the player. I don’t know how to explain it, when they’re running or walk they freeze for a split second and teleport like five miles infront of them.