Players were unable to join - getting join errors, appeared to be place specific, but unsure of the cause

Over the weekend, we were flooded with reports of players unable to join vip servers and public servers in Royale High. The join errors for VIP and public seemed to be slightly different in both cases.

Players unable to join vip servers.

This was happening when trying to join a VIP server on the website. Last night, I was consistently getting either HTTP 400 bad request errors when attempting to join several different private servers.

Players unable to join public servers

Players were getting in, but they were getting a black screen on load. This was always working fine, and then over the weekend it seemed to spontaneously break. The main thing that could be causing a black screen is, is that if an Http Request queues up if there has been more than 200 in a minute. We still have the same amount of Http Requests, and nothing that should cause any more from going out (causing them to exceed our limit of 200 per minute and begin to queue).

Has anyone else been experiencing issues like these over the weekend? We switched over to another realm as the start place, and it has been working since doing that, so it seemed to potentially be isolated to that version of the place - but we don’t have any insight into what happened, especially for the VIP server join errors.

EDIT: The Join Errors seem to be happening consistently on apple devices, not just in our game but any game. (Here’s a screenshot of it happening in adopt me)

On my iPhone XS, the following error occurs consitently.

On my Macbook Pro, the following error occurs consitently:

It worked fine on my Windows computer.


Thanks for letting us know. We’re looking into this.