Hello, I am currently working on a sound plugin for vehicles, and am currently trying to do something to the effect of disabling certain sound groups for the client based on a camera change, and keeping others playing for everyone else on the server
I’ll try to explain my goal in the order of each “suite” (Engine, Exhaust, Interior):
Player is driving the car, with both Engine and Exhaust sounds playing, while Interior is disabled in the third person camera (true, true, false)
This is true for both client side and server side (so true, true, false on both client and server attributes)
Now the player wants to switch into the interior camera of the car, so the client script disables the outside sounds (false, false, true) client, (true, true, false) server
In doing this, the client wants to update each “suite” which contains sounds so that their volume is 0 when it is false, however, it should only replicate for them. The script also has to fire the server using a remote event keeping the others playing while the attribute is active.
Will the client get overrided based on the server’s remote events?