Hello there!
I am trying to figure out how to play an animation on this rig I have created.
Whatever I try, after looking at several posts on the same topic, I cannot figure out how to run the animation. So my model is stuck like this:
And for those unaware you can animate custom models, that do not have normal r6 and r15 parts, I just found out earlier today aswell so yes it is possible.
Here is my code:
local animationId = "rbxassetid://11353776036"
local animation = Instance.new("Animation")
animation.AnimationId = animationId
local animator = script.Parent.AnimationController.Animator
local animationTrack = animator:LoadAnimation(animation)
animationTrack.Looped = true
animationTrack.Priority = Enum.AnimationPriority.Core
It successfully prints at the end of the execution, no errors. I added that task.wait(6) to make sure the code was not executing too early. Here is my explorer:
Thank you for all those attempting to help. It is greatly appreciated! (and yes this animation was made for this specific rig)